Dialogic® DSI SS7MD Programmer’s Manual Issue 3
7.3.2MTP_LINKSET – Configure a Linkset
Configuration of a linkset to an adjacent signaling point.
MTP_LINKSET <linkset_id> <adjacent_spc> <num_links> <flags> <local_spc> <ssf>
MTP_LINKSET 0 321 2 0x0000 456 0x8
The MTP_LINKSET command includes the following parameters:
The logical identity of the linkset, in the range 0 to one less than the number of linksets supported. The linkset_id is used in other commands for reference.
The point code of the adjacent signaling point.
The number of links to be allocated to the linkset.
The point code of the signaling point itself.
The value to be used in the
Note: For correct operation, the adjacent point code must also appear in an MTP_ROUTE declaration.
7.3.3MTP_LINK – Configure a Link
Supports configuration of either MTP or ATM signaling links. The command is differentiated based on the data rate parameter. If an ATM link is specified, multiple MTP_LINK commands may reference the same ATM cell stream provided the cell stream
The syntax for either form of the command is shown below