Dialogic® DSI SS7MD Programmer’s Manual Issue 3
4.7ATM Monitoring
The system can also be used to monitor AAL5 traffic that is running over ATM links. The following is an example config.txt configuration file to support AAL5 Monitoring:
*Example Protocol Configuration File (config.txt) for use with
*Dialogic(R) DSI SS7MD Network Interface Boards.
* SS7_BOARD | <board_id> <board_type> <flags> <code_file> <run_mode> |
SS7_BOARD | 0 SS7MD 0x0001 ss7.dc6 ATM |
* LIU_CONFIG <board_id> <liu_id> <liu_type> <line_code> <frame_format> <crc_mode> [<build_out>]
LIU_CONFIG 0 | 0 6 | 1 | 1 1 0 |
* |
* ATM_CONFIG | <options> <num_streams> | ||
ATM_CONFIG | 0x0000 |
| 4 |
* |
* |
*ATM_STREAM <id> <board_id> <cellstream_id> <liu_id> <options> <ima_frame_len> <max_frame_len>
*<def_vpi> <def_vci> <timeslot>
ATM_STREAM 3 0 1 0 0x00 0 280 12 10 0xfffefffe
*MONITOR_LINK <link_id> <board_id> <blink> <atm_stream>
*<flags> <phys_mask> ATM
The underlying ATM system is configured using the ATM_CONFIG command. The links to be used are then specified using the ATM_STREAM command and monitoring is established for these links using the MONITOR_LINK command.
4.7.1IMA Monitoring
When configuring IMA Monitoring, the maximum limit is 31 monitoring links per IMA bundle.