Record Future Programs
•Make sure the Updates feature is enabled as described on page 101. By enabling this feature, the Program Guide will have the most
•Weekly, Daily, and
•DishPASS recordings may fill the hard drive quickly. If you have other timers you know you don't want to be recorded over, choose Protect on those important programs.
•DVR Timers set for sporting events automatically end late by 60 minutes to allow for overtime. Change this setting in Options when you set up the timer.
•Why is my receiver recording programs I didn’t schedule? A DishPASS Timer may include more programs than you planned. If you’d like to refine your search, delete the DishPASS Timer and start again as described on page 67.
•Why did the receiver delete a program I recorded? Your recording was unprotected. When the receiver’s hard drive fills, it deletes the oldest unprotected recording. You can protect your recordings as described on page 63.
•Where can I go to find out why the receiver didn’t record something I scheduled? Look at your Daily Schedule and refer to Reasons Why Timers are Skipped on page 64.