Finding Programs to Watch
Using the Program Guide
•The Program Guide shows which Favorites List is active. If All Chan is active, the Program Guide shows all the channels. The All Sub list shows only the channels in your subscription. The All HD list shows only the HD channels in your subscription. If you set up another list, the Program Guide shows only the channels on that list. See page 39 for information on Favorites Lists.
•The Program Guide shows programs on now and coming on within the next nine days. The guide does not show programs that have ended.
Use the UP and DOWN ARROWs to highlight
a program currently broadcasting
While using the Program Banner, you can:
•Press PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN to move a page at a time.
•Enter the number of hours you want to skip, and then press the RIGHT/LEFT ARROW to move forward/back in the schedule.
•Press SKIP FWD/SKIP BACK to move forward or back a day at a time.
Note: You must be able to receive satellite programming from either the 119°W or 72.7° orbital location for the Program Guide to display up to nine days of program information. Otherwise, you can only view up to two days of program information.