power off 58 on 58
supply, LED indicators 30 preserving tape cartridges 95
rack stability, warning 12 related documentation 8 reliability specifications 99 relocating the library 103 reports 156
restore 31 right panel 35 robotics 21, 156 robotics card 28
SAN 31
scanner, optical 21 SCSI 156
bus configuration, troubleshooting 90 bus LED indicators 31
SCSI devices, troubleshooting 91 SCSI ID 156
SDLT 41, 157 sense data values
asc 00 130 asc 04 130 asc 08 130 asc 1A 130 asc 20 130 asc 21 130 asc 24 130 asc 25 131 asc 26 131 asc 28 131 asc 29 131 asc 2A 132
asc 30 132 asc 39 132 asc 3A 132 asc 3B 133 asc 43 133 asc 47 133 asc 4E 133 asc 53 133 asc 5A 134
asc 80 134 to 136 asc 81 136
asc 82 136 asc 83 136 asc 84 137 asc 85 137 asc 88 138 asc 8A 138 asc 8B 138 asc 8C 139 asc 8E 139
serial port
configuration, troubleshooting of 92 location of 30
server 33
shipping restraint 106 slots 40
panel 35 SDLT 41 SNMP 157
specifications climatic 100 environmental 100 performance 99 physical 98 power 100 reliability 99
standby power button, location of 30 storage area network 31
storage elements 40, 41 symbols in text 9 symbols on equipment 10
ESL | 161 |