Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Table 15: Common Interface Manager issues (Continued)
Symptom | Possible Cause | Solution |
Command | Incompatible | ■ Make sure you are using a minimum of |
View ESL does | browser version | Microsoft Internet Explorer v6.0 SP1 or |
not run in the | or Java support | later, or Netscape Navigator v6.2 or later. |
browser | not enabled | ■ Make sure that Java support is enabled in |
| |
| the browser. |
| Java Runtime | Download and install the Java 2 Platform, |
| Environment | Standard Edition v1.42 or later from |
| (JRE) not | |
| installed | technologies.html. |
| Bad network | ■ Check all physical network connections. |
| connection or | If the connections are good, contact your |
| network down | network administrator. |
| ■ Ping the management station. If pinging |
| fails and the IP address is correct, contact |
| your network administrator. |
| Wrong IP | Check the IP address of the management |
| address | station. On the management station, open a |
| command shell and enter ipconfig. You must |
| use this IP address (or the network name of |
| the management station) in the URL to access |
| Command View ESL. |
| Management | ■ Check to see if the management station is |
| station not | operational. |
| running, or | ■ Use the Services applet to verify that the |
| Command View | |
| Command View ESL service is running on | |
| ESL service not | |
| the management station. Click Start > | |
| running on | |
| management | Settings > Control Panel > Administrative |
| station. | Tools > Services. |
ESL | 87 |