If this problem occurs frequently, or if you encounter memory problems while using other applications, you might need to add more memory to your computer. See the user guide that came with your computer for more information.
Cause: Too many applications were running on your computer. These applications occupied your computer memory.
Scanned image is blank
Solution: Load your original print side down on the right front corner of the glass.
Cause: The original was placed incorrectly on the glass.
Scanned image is incorrectly cropped
Solution: The autocropping feature in the software crops anything that is not part of the main image. Sometimes this might not be what you want. In that case, turn off autocropping in the software and crop the scanned image manually, or not at all.
Cause: The software was set to automatically crop scanned pictures.
Scanned image has incorrect page layout
Solution: Turn off autocropping in the software to retain the page layout.
Cause: The automatic cropping feature in the software was changing the page layout.
Text format is incorrect
Solution: Some applications cannot handle framed text formatting. Framed text is one of the scan document settings in the software. It maintains complex layouts, such as multiple columns from a newsletter, by putting the text in different frames (boxes) in the destination application. In the software, select the correct format so that the scanned text layout and formatting are retained.
Cause: The scan document settings were incorrect.
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