print carriage stalled 185
print cartridge protector 72 print cartridges
align 73, 189 check ink levels 67 clean 74
clean contacts 75
clean ink nozzle area 77 damaged 191
error message 190, 191 handle 66
incorrect 190 low ink 122 low on ink 184 missing 191
part names 66
photo print cartridge 71 previously used 183 replace 67
store 72 tips 94
print quality smeared ink 99
print settings layout 34 orientation 34 paper size 32 paper type 33 print quality 98 quality 34 reduce/enlarge 35 resizing options 35 resolution 34 speed 34
printer sharing Mac 19 Windows 19
with one print cartridge 71 Printing Shortcuts tab 36 problems
copy 124
error messages 133 print 112
scan 129
quality print 34
Readme file 83 recycle
ink cartridges 213 regulatory notices 215 reinstall software 90 removing ink from skin and
clothing 80
replace print cartridges 67 reports
print 34
print job 51
blank 131 cancel 62
crop incorrect 131 documents 59 edit image 61 fails 129 features 59 halts 129
no scan options error 174 page layout incorrect 131 photos 59
preview image, edit 61 scan specifications 212 stop 62
text appears as dotted lines 132
text format incorrect 131 text incorrect 132 troubleshooting 129
scan button 11 scan glass
clean 63
print options 32, 36 ship your product 209 smeared ink 99 software application, print
from 31 software installation
reinstall 90 troubleshoot 87 uninstall 90
speed copy 54 print 34
start copy black 11 color 11
status lights overview 12
stop copy 57
print job 50 scan 62
support process 205 system requirements 211
technical information copy specifications 211 paper tray capacities 211 scan specifications 212 system requirements 211
telephone numbers, customer support 206
cut off 121
dotted lines on scan 132 incorrect format on
scan 131 incorrect or missing on
scan 132 jagged 111 meaningless characters 116 not filled in 102
smooth fonts 111 transparencies
load 29 troubleshoot
fax problems 102 hardware installation 83 print quality 99 Readme file 83 software installation 87 USB cable 85
troubleshooting copy 124
error messages 133 print 112
scan 129