Table 14 Migration supported by the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility (continued)
Supported Configuration | Description |
Single LUN, multiple hosts
The LUN is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts
The host is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts
All LUNs are selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts
Not all LUNs are selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import
Utility CLI.
Migrations Supported by the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for VMAX Only
IMPORTANT: The migrations shown here are supported only for VMAX.
NOTE: These configurations are not supported for EMC VNX or CLARiiON CX4:
•The createmigration command checks for these configurations and blocks migrations of unsupported configuration.
•In most cases, unsupported configurations are those in which multiple LUNs that span multiple storage groups are to be added to the migration (either explicitly or implicitly).
•It is an error when the added storage groups do not contain exactly the same LUNs.