Scope: This may be experienced when an adddestination –type 3PAR command is issued with the –secure=trueand –portflags included.

Solution: If the above error occurs, the HP-3PAR-MC-TrustStorekeystore file must be created or modified in the <userhome dir>\InformMC\Security folder and copied into the folder as shown in the error message, such as C:\InformMC\Security in the above example. To copy the keystore file to the correct folder, follow these steps:

NOTE: If you have already added one HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system, the HP-3PAR-MC-TrustStorefile will be updated for that storage system. The same HP-3PAR-MC-TrustStorefile should be updated for each HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system that you want to add as a destination storage system.

1.Close the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage.

2.Locate the TrustStore file as displayed in the error message. Copy the HP-3PAR-MC-TrustStorefile, if available, to the logged in user’s home directory at:


You can use the echo command, %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%, to find the current user’s home directory.

3.Using the command prompt, browse to the install location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\hp3paremcoiu\bin

...and run the following command:


4.Enter the IP address of the HP 3PAR StoreServ and see its certificate details.

If you accept the certificate, the TrustStore file will be updated in the user’s home directory.

5.Replace the existing HP-3PAR-MC-TrustStorefile as displayed in the error message with the newly updated HP-3PAR-MC-TrustStorefile in the user’s home directory.

6.Restart the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage, and execute the adddestination command again to add the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System.

createmigration command may not be successful during AdmitVV phase due to an improper Failover mode setting on the EMC storage controller

Problem: A createmigration command failure may occur during the admitvv phase due to an improper EMC Storage controller failover mode setting.

Example 67 Error message—example 1

>createmigration -sourceuid 50060160BEA00351 -srcvolmap [{"EMC_1"}] -destcpg FC_r5 -destprov full -migtype offline

>SUCCESS: Migration job submitted successfully. Please check status/details using showmigration command.

Migration id: 1406202011980
























Thu Jul 24

07:40:11 EDT










preparationfailed(-NA-)(:OIUERRDST0008:Admit has failed. Volume


was not

admitted;0 VVs admitted.;)



Typical HP 3PAR Eventlog entries will show admitvv, Test/Device not Unit Ready errors:

Troubleshooting Issues


Page 99
Image 99
HP Online Import Software manual InFormMC\security, Program Files x86\Hewlett-Packard\hp3paremcoiu\bin, TPDCertVerifier.bat