HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage Error Messages
OIUERRSRC0020 = "Unsupported EMC storage system version ";
OIURSLSRC0020 = "Check support matrix and upgrade EMC.";
Problem: Source EMC Storage system version check failed.
Solution: Source EMC Storage system must be running at supported version.
OIUERRSRC0111 = "Unable to present the volume to the host in EMC array";
OIURSLSRC0111 = "Contact HP Support if the problem persists.";
Problem: Unable to add HP 3PAR peer port host to source storage system group.
Solution: Check the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility log file for specific description of the problem from
OIUERRSRC0112 = "Unable to unpresent the volume from the host in EMC array"
OIURSLSRC0112 = "Contact HP Support if the problem persists."
Problem: Unable to remove HP 3PAR peer port host from source storage system group.
Solution: Check the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility log file for specific description of the problem from
OIUERRSRC0021 = "There is a active migration on this source. So this source can not be removed.";
OIURSLSRC0021 = "Migration have to be complete/abort for source to be removed.";
Problem: Tried to execute the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility removemigration command while the specified migration is still in progress.
Solution: Wait for migration to complete before removing.
OIUERRSRC0022 = "Cannot find specified source Array.";
OIURSLSRC0022 = "An Array has to be added first in order to be removed."
Problem: Tried to execute the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility removesource command with specific UID and that UID does not exist in the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility database.
Solution: Execute the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility showsource command to determine storage systems that are currently known.
OIUERRSRC0023 = "You have selected a migration with an unsupported storage group configuration."
OIURSLSRC0023 = "Verify that your storage group configuration matched one of the supported configurations."
Problem: The LUN associated with the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility createmigration that was executed is not in a supported storage group configuration.
Solution: Review supported storage group configurations in “Migrations Supported by HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage” (page 24) and make appropriate changes before creating the migration.
OIUERRAPP0013 = "Unsupported EMC Provider version for
OIURSLAPP0013 = "Check support matrix and upgrade EMC Provider."
Problem: The
Solution: Storage systems for migration must be managed by
OIUERRAPP0009 = "Job might have executed successfully but couldn't receive any handle to track it.";
OIURSLAPP0009 = "Contact HP Support"
Problem: A problem occurred during an
Solution: Check the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility log file for a specific description of the problem. HP support may be required.
OIURSLAPP0010 = "Please check
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage Error Messages 93