MAC Binary PS 96 NPA Mode 96 Parallel Buffer 97 Parallel Mode 2 97 PCL SmartSwitch 97 Protocol 98
PS SmartSwitch 97
Parallel Mode 2 (Parallel Menu) 97 parallel port
bidirectional communication 96 buffer size 97
data sampling 97 hardware initialization 96 NPA mode 96
PCL SmartSwitch 97 protocol 98
PS SmartSwitch 97 partial page, black 156 PCL Emul Menu 90
A4 Width 90
Auto CR after LF 90, 94 Auto LF after CR 90, 94 Font Name 90
Font Source 90
Lines per Page 91, 95 Orientation 91, 95 Pitch 91
Point Size 91
Symbol Set 91
Tray Renumber 92, 95 PCL emulation
A4 width 90
automatic carriage return 90, 94 automatic line feed 90, 94
font name 90
font sample print 82 font source 90 lines per page 91, 95 orientation 91, 95 pitch 91
point size 91 symbol set 91
tray renumber 92, 95
PCL emulation, font support 61
PCL SmartSwitch (Network Menu) 99 PCL SmartSwitch (Parallel Menu) 97 PCL SmartSwitch (USB Menu) 100
PCL SmartSwitch, setting See also printer language network port 99 parallel port 97
USB port 100
PDF Menu (PostScript Menu) 93 personal identification number
PictureGrade (Quality Menu) 85
entering at the printer 116 entering from the driver 115 for confidential jobs 115
Pitch (PCL Emul Menu) 91 Point Size (PCL Emul Menu) 91 ports
network 98 parallel 96 USB 100
PostScript emulation font priority 93 font sample print 82 printing PS errors 93
PostScript emulation font support 61 PostScript Menu 93, 94
Font Priority 93
PDF Menu 93 power saver
configuring 88
Power Saver (Setup Menu) 88 preventing jams 19
too dark 155 too light 153
print and hold jobs 143 Print Buffer (Job Menu) 84 print cartridge
installing 124 ordering 121 storing 122
Print Directory (Utilities Menu) 82 Print Fonts (Utilities Menu) 82 print job, canceling
from a Macintosh computer 59 from a Windows computer 59 from printer operator panel 59
print job, sending 56 from Macintosh 56