7.
At
the
Type
a
New
Description
prompt,
type
the
description
of
the
startup
option
you
want
to
appear
in
the
Boot
option
maintenance
menu.
8.
Type
n
if
there
are
no
customized
startup
options.
9.
Type
y
to
save
changes
to
10.
If
the
server
has
multiple
options
of
Linux,
repeat
steps
on
page
through
for
each
startable
Linux
installation.
11.
Select
Exit,
and
press
Enter
to
return
to
the
Boot
option
maintenance
menu.
12.
Select
Exit,
and
press
Enter
to
return
to
the
Boot
Manager
menu.
To
restore
console
configuration
settings,
complete
the
following
steps:
1.
From
the
Boot
Manager
menu,
select
Boot
options
maintenance
menu,
and
press
Enter.
2.
Select
Active
Console
Output,
and
press
Enter
to
display
available
devices.
3.
Select
the
devices
that
you
want
using
the
arrow
keys,
and
press
Enter.
You
can
select
more
than
one
device
as
active.
4.
Select
Save
Settings
to
and
press
Enter.
5.
Select
Exit,
and
press
Enter
to
return
to
the
Boot
options
maintenance
menu.
6.
Repeat
steps
through
for
Active
Console
Input
and
Active
Error
Output.
7.
Select
Exit,
and
press
Enter
to
return
to
the
Boot
Manager
menu.
8.
The
settings
will
be
active
the
next
time
you
start
up
the
server.
To
restore
all
other
startup
options,
complete
the
following
steps:
1.
From
the
Boot
Manager,
select
Boot
option
maintenance
menu,
and
press
Enter.
2.
Select
Add
a
Boot
Option,
and
press
Enter.
3.
Select
a
volume
for
the
System
Partition
for
the
volume
that
you
want
or
its
directory
and
file.
4.
At
the
Type
a
New
Description
prompt,
type
the
description
of
the
startup
option
you
want
to
appear
in
the
Boot
option
maintenance
menu.
5.
Type
n
if
there
are
no
customized
startup
options
for
Linux.
6.
Type
y
to
save
changes
to
7.
Select
Exit,
and
press
Enter
to
return
to
the
Boot
option
maintenance
menu.
8.
Select
Exit,
and
press
Enter
to
return
to
the
Boot
Manager
menu.
To
restore
any
driver
options,
complete
the
following
steps:
1.
From
the
Boot
Manager,
select
Shell
[Built-In],
and
press
Enter.
2.
Type
bcfg
to
add,
remove,
or
move
any
driver
options,
if
necessary.
To
restore
active
console
devices,
complete
the
following
steps:
1.
From
the
Boot
Manager,
select
Boot
option
maintenance
menu,
and
press
Enter.
2.
Select
Active
Console
Output,
Console
Input,
and
Standard
Error
Devices.
Note:
If
no
devices
are
selected
as
active,
is
used
by
default.
If
any
device
is
selected
as
active,
only
selected
devices
are
used.
You
can
select
multiple
devices
as
active.
Hot-plug
devices
are
always
active.
3.
Select
the
active
devices
that
you
want;
then,
select
Save
Settings
to
and
press
Enter.
4.
Cold
reset
or
connect
-c
from
the
shell
for
changes
to
take
effect.
xSeries
Type
8688:
Hardware
Maintenance
Manual
and
Troubleshooting
Guide