6.Type restore filename (where filename is the name you assigned to the backup copy), and press Enter. The following message is displayed:
Delete existing
7.Type y, and press Enter. If the SAL/EFI settings have been restored, the following message is displayed:
Completed - Success
8.Type reset, and press Enter.
If SAL/EFI settings were not backed up, use one of the following procedures to restore settings for your operating system.
To restore Microsoft Windows 2003 Server startup options, complete the following steps:
1.From the EFI Boot Manager menu, select EFI Shell
2.At the Shell prompt, type map
3.Look for a file system where the following directory is located:
fsn:\EFI\Microsoft\WINNTnn, note the file system number (fsn:, where n is the number of the file system), and find the startup (Bootnnnn) file.
4.Note the name of the startup file.
5.At the Shell prompt, type fsn:, and press Enter. The prompt changes to fsn:\.
6.Type cd EFI\MSUtil\, and press Enter.
7.Type nvrboot, and press Enter.
8.In the Select prompt, type I, and press Enter.
9.Type the Import file path, and press Enter. The following message is displayed:
Imported Boot Options from file: press Enter to Continue.
10.Press Enter.
11.Type q, and press Enter.
12.Exit the EFI Shell; then, return to the EFI Boot Manager.
13.Select Boot Options Maintenance Menu, and press Enter.
14.If the server has multiple options of Windows, repeat steps 3 through 13 for each startable Windows installation.
15.Select Manage BootNext, if necessary, and press Enter; then, select Save Settings to NVRAM, and press Enter.
16.Select Delete Boot Options, if necessary, and press Enter; then, select Save Settings to NVRAM, and press Enter.
17.Select Change Boot Order, if necessary, and press Enter; then, select Save Settings to NVRAM, and press Enter.
18.Return to the EFI Boot Manager to start the startup option that you want.
To restore SuSE Linux startup options, complete the following steps:
1.From the EFI Boot Manager menu, select Boot option maintenance menu, and press Enter.
2.Select Add a Boot Option, and press Enter.
3.Select a volume for the EFI System Partition for SuSE Linux. The volume for SuSE Linux should have \efi\SuSE directory in it.
4.Select efi, and press Enter.
5.Select SuSE, and press Enter.
6.Select elilo.efi, and press Enter.