a specific user if the user is configured locally. If this value is not configured, users will be authenticated using local authentication only.
Format | config users defaultlogin <listname> |
config users login
Use this command to assign the specified authentication login list to the specified user for system login. The <user> must be a configured user and <listname> must be a configured login list.
If the user is assigned a login list that requires remote authentication, all access to the interface from CLI, web, and Telnet sessions will be blocked until the authentication is complete. Refer to the discussion of maximum delay in the config radius maxretransmit and config radius timeout commands.
Note that the login list associated with the user with Read/write privileges cannot be changed, to prevent accidental lockout from the switch.
Format | config users login <user> <listname> |
show authentication login info
Use this command to display the ordered authentication methods for all authentication login lists.
Format show authentication login info
Authentication Login List
The login list whose information is displayed on this line.
Method 1 The first method in the login list, if any.
Method 2 The second method in the login list, if any.
Method 3 The third method in the login list, if any.
show authentication login users
Use this command to display information about the users assigned to the specified login list. If the login list is assigned to
Format | show authentication login users <listname> |
User | The user assigned to the specified login list. |
Component | The component, either user or 802.1X, for which the login list is assigned. |
show users authentication
Use this command to display all user and authentication login information for the switch, including the login list assigned to the default user.
Format | show users authentication |
User | A list of all users with an assigned login list. |
System login |
| The authentication login list assigned to the user for system login. |
802.1X | The authentication login list assigned to the user for IEEE 802.1X port security. |
IEEE 802.1X commands
clear dot1x port stats
Use this command to reset the IEEE 802.1X statistics for the specified port(s).
Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Module IXM5414E | 207 |