McAfee® Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 Product Guide | Writing Custom Signatures |
| Windows Custom Signatures |
Class Isapi
The following table lists the possible sections of the class Isapi.
Section | Values | Notes |
Class | Isapi |
Id | 4000 - 7999 |
level | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 |
time | * |
user_name | user or system account |
application | path + application name |
url |
| This section is optional. It |
| is section is matched |
| against the url part of an |
| incoming request; see |
| notes 1, 2,3, 4. |
query |
| This section is optional. It |
| is matched against the |
| query part of an incoming |
| request; see notes 1, 2,3, |
| 4. |
method | “GET”, “POST”, “INDEX” and all other | This section is optional. |
| allowed http methods | See note 4. |
directives | isapi:request |
Note 1
An incoming http request can be represented as: http://www.myserver.com/ {url}?{query}. In this document, we refer to {url} as the “url” part of the http request and {query} as the “query” part of the http request. Using this naming convention, we can say that the section “url” will be matched against {url} and the section “query” will be matched against {query}.
For example the following rule would be triggered if the http request http:// www.myserver.com/search/abc.exe?subject=wildlife&environment=ocean would be received by IIS:
Rule {
Class Isapi Id 4001 level 1
url { Include “*abc*” } time { Include “*” } application { Include “*”} user_name { Include “*” } directives
This rule is triggered because {url}=/search/abc.exe, which matches the value of the section “url” (i.e. abc).
Note 2
Before matching is done, sections “url” and “query” are decoded and normalized so that requests cannot be filled with encoding or escape sequences.