McAfee® Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 Product Guide | Writing Custom Signatures |
| Summary of parameters and directives |
Summary of parameters and directives
The following is a summary of parameters and directives according to type.
List of parameters according to type
Type | Parameters |
Files, Windows Platform | Application, Destination File, Files, User Name |
HTTP, Windows | Application, Method, Query, URL, User Name |
Platform |
Files, Solaris and Linux | Application, Source, Files, User Name |
Platform |
Registry | Application, Registry Key, User Name, Registry Value |
Services | Application, Display Name, Service, User Name |
Apache, Solaris Platform | Application, URL, Query, Method, User Name |
List of directives according to type
Type | Directives |
Files, Windows Platform | create, read, write, execute, delete, rename, attribute |
HTTP, Windows | request |
Platform |
Files, Solaris Platform | create, symlink, link, chown, chmod, write, rmdir, chdir, read, |
| unlink, mkdir, rename |
Files, Linux Platform | create, link, setattr, write, rmdir, read, unlink, mkdir, rename |
Registry | create, read, delete, modify, permissions, enumerate, monitor, |
| restore, replace, load |
Services | start, stop, pause, continue, startup, profile_enable, |
| profile_disable, logon, create, delete |
Apache, Solaris Platform | request |