Marine Equipment
Marine Radio
201 pages
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To modify default signatures
Administrator User
Configuring policies
Client operations issues
Preset protection
Quick access
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McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention
McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention
IPS Policies
General Policies 103
Frequently Asked Questions 160 Writing Custom Signatures 164
IntroducingPrevention Host Intrusion
Changes from the previous release
New features
What’s new in this release
Using this guide
Bold Condensed
This guide uses the following conventions
Getting product information
Standard documentation
Contact information
Customer Service
Professional Services
Signature rules
IPS feature
Basic Concepts
Behavioral rules
Exception rules
Client firewall rules
Firewall feature
Firewall rules
Client application blocking rules
Application Blocking feature
General feature
Policies and policy categories
Policy management
Policy enforcement
Policy assignment locking
Policy inheritance and assignment
Policy ownership
Deployment and management
Preset protection
Adaptive and Learn mode
Using ePolicy Orchestrator
Deploy Host Intrusion Prevention clients
EPolicy Orchestrator console
EPolicy Orchestrator console
Policy management
Assign Policies
Assigning owners to policies
Installing the Host Intrusion Prevention server
Host Intrusion Prevention operations
Generating notifications
Deploying Host Intrusion Prevention clients
Viewing and working with client data
Placing clients in Adaptive or Learn mode
Configuring policies
Policy viewing alerts
Active X control security warning
Using Help
Help navigation procedures
IPS Exception Rules
Help in the user interface
IPS Events/Signatures
IPS Signature Rules
IPS Policies
Host and network IPS signature rules
Benefits of Host IPS
Benefits of Network IPS
Preset IPS policies
Behavioral rules
To configure the IPS Options policy
Configuring the IPS Options policy
Quick access
IPS Options dialog box appears
Click Apply
To create a new IPS Options policy
Select the needed options
Configuring the IPS Protection policy
To configure the IPS Protection policy
To create a new IPS Protection policy
IPS Protection dialog box appears
Select the type of reaction for each severity level
To create a new IPS Rules policy
Configuring the IPS Rules policy
To assign IPS Rules policies
IPS Rules policy details
Creating exception rules
To create an exception
To edit an exception rule
Editing exception rules
You can view and edit details of an existing exception
Deleting exception rules
To disable/enable an exception
Enabling and disabling exception rules
Moving exception rules to another policy
Host signatures
Types of signatures
Custom host signatures
Viewing signatures
IPS Rules-Signatures tab
Creating custom signatures
To modify default signatures
Modifying host and network signatures
To modify the view of signatures
Using the wizard to create signatures
To create signatures using the wizard
Using the standard mode to create signatures
To create a signature with the standard mode
New Custom Signature-General tab
To use Standard Method To use Expert Method
Editing custom signatures
Deleting custom signatures
To edit a custom signature
Application Protection Rules
11 Application Protection Rules analysis
To create an application protection rule
12 IPS Rules-Application Protection Rules
13 New Trusted Application dialog box-General tab
Enabling and disabling Application Protection Rules
IPS Events
Editing Application Protection Rules
Deleting Application Protection Rules
Viewing events
To view IPS events
To change the event view
Configuring the event view
Filtering events
To mark an event as unread
Marking events
To mark an event as read
To hide an event
Agent Signatures User Process Severity Level
Marking similar events
To mark similar events
To view event details
Viewing event details
Creating event-based exceptions and trusted applications
To create an event-based exception
To create an event-based trusted application
To search for a related exception
IPS Client Rules
Searching for related exceptions
Regular View
To migrate client rules to an IPS Rules policy
Click the Aggregate View tab on the IPS Client Rules tab
Aggregated View
To aggregate client rules
Search IPS Exception Rules
To search for exceptions and manage the list of exceptions
22 Search IPS Exception Rules tab
Firewall Policies
HIP 6.0 rules
HIP 6.1 rules
Stateful packet inspection
State table
Stateful packet filtering
How firewall rules work
Ordering the firewall rule list
How stateful filtering works
Stateful filtering process
Protocol Description of handling
How stateful packet inspection works
Stateful protocol tracking
Firewall rule groups and connection-aware groups
Firewall Learn and Adaptive modes
Stateful filtering
Quarantine policies and rules
To migrate rules
Preset Firewall policies
Migrating custom 6.0 firewall rules to 6.1 rules
Select For these settings Off McAfee Default
Configuring the Firewall Options policy
To configure the Firewall Options policy
Create New Policy dialog box appears
Select New Policy
To create a Firewall Rules policy
Configuring the Firewall Rules policy
Creating new Firewall Rules policies
Include Local Subnet Automatically selected
Select this For this protection Policy Server Medium
Server High
To view and edit a firewall rule
Viewing and editing firewall rules
Do any of the following
Add Policy or Duplicate Policy
To create a firewall rule
Select the appropriate settings Click OK
Creating a new firewall rule or firewall group
To create a connection-aware group
To create a new rule group
Firewall Rule Group dialog box appears
Type a name for this group in the Name field
To delete a firewall rule or group
Deleting a firewall rule or group
To add predefined rules
To modify the view, do any of the following
Viewing firewall client rules
To view all firewall client rules
To view aggregated firewall client rules
To view details of an aggregated firewall rule
Select New Policy
Configuring the Quarantine Options policy
To configure the Quarantine Options policy
Creating new Quarantine Rules policies
Configuring the Quarantine Rules policy
Quarantine Rules policy provides access for
To create a Quarantine Rules policy
Click Properties
Viewing and editing quarantine rules
To view and edit a quarantine rule
To create a quarantine rule
Creating a new quarantine rule or group
Deleting a quarantine rule or group
To delete a quarantine rule or group
Application Blocking Policies
Application creation
Application hooking
Preset Application Blocking policies
Application Blocking feature contains two policy categories
To apply an Application Blocking Options policy
Configuring the Application Blocking Options policy
Select this policy For these settings Off McAfee Default
Application Blocking Options
To create an Application Blocking Rules policy
Configuring the Application Blocking Rules policy
Creating new Application Blocking Rules policies
Viewing and editing Application Blocking Rules
To view and edit an application blocking rule
Application Rule dialog box appears
Creating new Application Blocking Rules
To create a new application blocking rule
To delete an application blocking rule
Deleting an application blocking rule
Viewing application client rules
To view all client application rules
To view aggregated client application rules
To view details of an aggregated client application rule
General Policies
Preset General policies
General feature contains four policy categories
To change the policy setting
Configuring Enforce Policies
Configuring the Client UI policy
Regular User
Creating and applying a Client UI policy
Administrator User
To configure a Client UI policy
Disconnected User
Setting passwords
To create an administrator password
Click the Advanced Options tab in the Client UI policy
To provide tray icon control of Windows UI
To create a time-based password
Tray icon control
Configuring the Trusted Networks policy
To configure trusted network options
Select To do this Add
Include Local Subnet
To create a new policy
Configuring the Trusted Applications policy
Creating and applying Trusted Applications policies
Trusted Application tab appears
Creating trusted applications
To create a trusted application
Enabling and disabling trusted applications
To disable/enable a trusted application
Editing trusted applications
Deleting trusted applications
Analyzing IPS events
Fine-tuning a deployment
Creating and applying new policies
Creating exception rules and trusted application rules
Working with client exception rules
For details on working with client rules, see
Policies tab
Policy maintenance and tasks
To view and reset broken inheritance below a specific node
Policy inheritance and assignment
To copy and paste policy assignments of a node
Click Copy policy assignments
Viewing policy information
To view nodes where a policy is assigned
Policy Catalog
To view all policies that have been created
Editing policy information
To view the settings and owner of a policy
To view assignments where policy enforcement is disabled
To edit a policy
Event Archiver
Running server tasks
Directory Gateway
Property Translator
Creating rules
Setting up notifications for events
How notifications work
Host Intrusion Prevention notifications
Report repository
Running reports
Pre-defined reports
Summary information and details
Report content control
Host Intrusion Prevention reports
IPS Events Summary by Signature
IPS Event Summary by Target
Network Intrusion Summary by Source IP
Blocked Application Summary
Top 10 Attacked Nodes for IPS
Top 10 Triggered Signatures
Filters on platform and signature type
Initial View Drill Down Host Name
Failed Quarantine Updates
Top 10 Blocked Applications
Checking in the update package
To add update packages automatically
From the Task type list, select Repository Pull
To have a client request an update
To add update packages manually
To run an update task
Updating clients
Host Intrusion Prevention Client
Windows client
System tray icon
Client console
To unlock the Host Intrusion Prevention interface
Setting options
Unlocking the client interface
To customize client options
Show tray icon Error Reporting
Error Reporting
Select For this
Security Violations
To set IPS logging options
To set Firewall logging options
Intrusion alerts
To respond to a firewall Learn Mode alert
Firewall alerts
Has the Treat rule match as an intrusion option selected
Application Blocking alerts
The IP address that the traffic pretends to come from 140
Quarantine alerts
Spoof Detected alerts
IP Spoof Detected Alert dialog box
To customize IPS Policy options
IPS Policy tab
IPS Policy options
To edit the exception rules
IPS Policy exception rules
Exception rules list
To customize Firewall Policy options
Firewall Policy tab
Firewall Policy options
Firewall Policy Rules
Firewall rules list
To customize Application Policy options
Application Policy tab
Application Policy options
Application Policy rules
Application rules list
Blocked Hosts tab
Blocked Hosts list
Column What it shows
Until removed
To edit the Blocked Hosts list
This list shows all monitored processes on the client
Application Protection tab
Application Protection list
To customize Activity Log options
Activity Log tab
Activity Log options
Select Create Sniffer Capture...
Activity Log list
McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention Options
Solaris client
Client installation issues
Policy enforcement with the Solaris client
Client operations issues
Run this command To do this
File/Directory Name Description
To stop a Solaris client
To restart a Solaris client
Linux client
Policy enforcement with the Linux client
Verifying the client is running
File Name Description
Troubleshooting tool
To restart a Linux client
Run the command hipts agent off
To stop a Linux client
What is the McAfee Default policy?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a policy?
How do I view IPS events triggered by clients?
How do I create an exception based on an IPS Event?
How do I create custom signatures for an IPS Policy?
How do I find existing policies that match a given profile?
Basic structure of a rule is the following
Writing Custom Signatures
Rule Structure
Section Name Value Description
Mandatory common sections
Use of Include and Exclude
Name/domain user name
Use of the dependencies section
Optional common sections
Section value variables
Use of predefined variables
Use of wildcards
Use of environment variables
Windows IIS Web Server
MS SQL Database Server
Solaris Apache and iPlanet
Class Files
This topic describes how to write Windows custom signatures
Windows Custom Signatures
Advanced Details
GUI name Explanation
Class Isapi
Machine where the client is installed in the manner host
Windows Custom Signatures
Class Registry
Class Services
Section Values Meaning/remarks
GUI Name Explanation Possible Values
Windows Custom Signatures
Class UNIXfile
This topic describes how to write Solaris custom signatures
Solaris Custom Signatures
Relevant X directives per section
Directive File Source File permission New permission
Advanced Details
Class UNIXapache
Solaris Custom Signatures
Linux Custom Signatures
List of directives according to type
Summary of parameters and directives
List of parameters according to type
Blocked host
Console tree
EPolicy Orchestrator database server
See also minimal properties
Inactive agent
Policy enforcement interval
Severity level
SYN flood
Working with clients
Signatures, 46 creating, 48 creating custom
Firewall policy tab rules List IPS Policy tab