1IntroducingPrevention Host Intrusion
McAfee® Host Intrusion Prevention is a
Host Intrusion Prevention protects against unauthorized viewing, copying, modifying, and deleting of information and the compromising of system and network resources and applications that store and deliver information. It accomplishes this through an innovative combination of host intrusion prevention system signatures (HIPS), network intrusion prevention system signatures (NIPS), behavioral rules, and firewall rules.
Host Intrusion Prevention is fully integrated with ePolicy Orchestrator and uses the ePolicy Orchestrator framework for delivering and enforcing policies. The division of Host Intrusion Prevention functionality into IPS, Firewall, Application Blocking, and General features provides greater control in delivering policy protections and protection levels to the users.
Protection is provided as soon as Host Intrusion Prevention is installed. The default protection settings require little or no tuning and allow for a rapid,
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