--The game has five levels. When you complete a level, play continues automatically at the next level.
--You earn a bonus if you finish a level without a miss.
How to Play:
When the game begins, numbers start falling from the upper portion of the display. Press the corresponding number key to eliminate a falling number before it reaches the bottom of the display. ###180
Press MENU to select the following options: Game Sounds: Switch game sounds on/off. New Game: Start a new game.
Level: Choose the starting level of play.
Top Scores: Display the top five scores.
Help: Review the goal of the game.
Guess a secret four-symbol code. You play by entering symbols into four spaces and then submitting a guess.
Rules of the Game:
--Your score is the number of guesses it takes to reveal the secret code.
--When you submit a guess, you are given clues that indicate how many symbols you have identified correctly, and how many are in the correct position. The position of the clues does not correspond to the location of the symbols.
shaded icon: correct symbol in correct position
1/2-shaded icon: correct symbol in wrong position --You can display a history of your last 10 guesses.
--Once you enter a symbol into a blank space, you can change the symbol but you cannot make the space blank again. ###181
--When you correctly guess the four-symbol code, the display shows your score and the level of your next game.
--After you win one game, you progress from level 1 to level
2.After you win two more games, you progress from level 2 to level 3.
--When you exit the game or turn off the phone, you begin again at level 1.
How to Play:
When the game begins, four blank spaces will be displayed. To play the game:
Press Star or Pound key to move from space to space. Press 4-Way to place a symbol in a space.
Press Right soft key (GUESS) to submit a guess (when all four spaces contain symbols).
Select diamond icon and then press 4-Way to scroll through a history of your last 10 guesses.
Move your paddle to strike a bouncing ball. The paddle gets smaller and the ball goes faster as your score increases.