3.Press Right soft key (SELECT) to perform the function.
NOTE: Items shown in the CALCULATOR display include the following. Consult original print manual for more information on icons.
The calculator can perform the following functions: Dot (Period): Insert a decimal point
C: Clear the calculation
CE: Clear entry (replaces C when you enter subsequent values in a calculation)
Plus sign: Add
Minus sign: Subtract
Times sign: Multiply
Division sign: Divide
MS: Store the value in memory (overwrites values already stored)
MC: Clear the value stored in memory
MR: Replace the displayed value with the value stored in memory ###165
Equal sign: Calculate the result
Percent sign: Divide the displayed value by 100
Dollar sign: Calculate the exchange rate
Plus/Minus sign: Change the entry's sign (positive/negative)
The currency converter works just like the calculator, but uses the currency function:
Find the Feature:
Scroll menu path as
1.Press number keys to enter the exchange rate.
2.Press Right soft key (OK) to store the exchange rate.
3.Press number keys to enter the amount to convert (amount to multiply by the exchange rate).
5.Press Right soft key (SELECT) to perform the conversion.