WFS709TP ProSafe Smart Wireless Switch Software Administration Manual
•Design Model. Use these radio buttons to specify a design model to use in the placement of AMs.
•Monitor Rate. Use this
•AMs. Use this field to manually specify the number of AMs to deploy (Custom Model only).
Design Model
Two radio buttons on the page allow you to specify the model used to determine the number and type of AMs.
•Coverage. Use this option to let RF Plan automatically determine the number of AMs based on desired monitor rates and the configuration of the building.
The desired rate is selectable from 1 to 54 Mbps in the Coverage model.
•Custom. Use this option to specify a fixed number of AMs. When the AM Plan portion of RF Plan is executed, RF Plan distributes the AMs evenly.
Note: The monitor rates you select for the AMs should be less than the data rates you selected for the APs. If you set the rate for the AMs at a value equal to that
specified for the corresponding PHY type AP, RF Plan allocates one AM per AP. If you specify a monitor rate greater than the data rate, RF Plan allocates more than one AM per AP.
Monitor Rates
Use the
Note: This option is available only when the Coverage design model is selected.
Planning Floors Page
The Planning Floors page (Figure
RF Plan |