To launch BootMagic’s configuration program from the rescue diskette, boot from the rescue diskette and follow the
Once in the configuration program, you can make any needed modifications or additions. When you click Save/Exit to exit the configuration program, BootMagic
Getting Help
Refer to the BootMagic online help for information about all BootMagic features that are not discussed in this chapter.
•To access Help in the Windows configuration program, select Help ➤ Contents from the menu bar.
•To access Help in the DOS configuration program, select Help ➤ Topic List from the menu bar.
•To access
Configuring BootMagic
BootMagic’s configuration program consists of two versions: one for DOS and one for Windows. Both versions have similar interfaces and offer the same functionality.
BootMagic’s configuration program may be manually launched by any of the following:
•In Windows, select Start ➤ Programs ➤ BootMagic 8.0 ➤ BootMagic Configuration.
•On the PartitionMagic main screen, click Tools ➤ BootMagic Configuration.
•You can run a DOS version of the BootMagic configuration program from the Norton PartitionMagic CD if your computer has the ability to boot from a CD.
94Chapter 8: BootMagic