PartitionMagic includes seven wizards for common tasks. The wizards provide an alternative to performing the tasks manually using the commands on the Partition menu. You do not have access to the wizards if you run PartitionMagic from the rescue disks.
Running Wizards
There are two ways to run a wizard:
•Click under Pick a task in the upper left pane of the main screen.
•Choose the task you want to perform from the Tasks menu.
Applying Changes
When you complete a wizard, the disk map and partition list in the main window reflect the changes you entered. However, the changes do not actually affect your system until you apply them. To apply the changes to your system, click General ➤ Apply Changes .
To discard the changes without applying them, click General ➤ Discard All Changes (or Undo Last Change).
After running a wizard, you can run other wizards or perform other partition operations and then apply or discard all the pending changes at once.
Create New Partition Wizard
The Create new partition wizard creates a new primary or logical partition. To create a new partition for another operating system, see “Install Another Operating System Wizard” on page 81, or review the demonstration video at http://service.symantec.com.
You should be aware of the following considerations when creating a new partition:
•Creating a new partition may cause your drive letters to change. For example, if you have one primary partition (C:) on your hard drive and a
80Chapter 6: Using Wizards