10.2.5Loss of Frame
The Loss of Frame Block monitors the
10.3 Receive Line Overhead Processor (RLOP)
The Receive Line Overhead Processor (RLOP) provides line level alarm and performance monitoring.
10.3.1Line RDI Detect
The Line RDI Detect Block detects the presence of Line Remote Defect Indication (LRDI) in the receive stream. Line RDI is declared when a 110 binary pattern is detected in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte, for three or five consecutive frames. Line RDI is removed when any pattern other than 110 is detected in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte for three or five consecutive frames. The LRDI signal is optionally reported on the RALRM output pin when enabled by the LRDIEN Receive Alarm Control Register bit.
10.3.2Line AIS Detect
The Line AIS Block detects the presence of a Line Alarm Indication Signal (LAIS) in the receive stream. Line AIS is declared when a 111 binary pattern is detected in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte, for three or five consecutive frames. Line AIS is removed when any pattern other than 111 is detected in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte for three or five consecutive frames. The LAIS signal is optionally reported on the RALRM output pin when enabled by the LAISEN Receive Alarm Control Register bit.
10.3.3Error Monitor Block
The Error Monitor Block calculates the received line
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