Path RDI alarm is detected by extracting bit 5 of the path status byte. The PRDI signal is set high when bit 5 is set high for five/ten consecutive frames. PRDI is set low when bit 5 is low for five/ten consecutive frames. Auxiliary RDI alarm is detected by extracting bit 6 of the path status byte. The Auxiliary RDI alarm is indicated when bit 6 is set high for five/ten consecutive frames. The Auxiliary RDI alarm is removed when bit 6 is low for five/ten consecutive frames. The Enhanced RDI alarm is detected when the enhanced RDI code in bits 5,6,7 of the path status byte indicates the same error codepoint for five/ten consecutive frames. The Enhanced RDI alarm is removed when the enhanced RDI code in bits 5,6,7 of the path status byte indicates the same non error codepoint for five/ten consecutive frames. The ERDII maskable interrupt is set high when bits 5, 6 & 7 of the path status byte (G1) byte are set to a new codepoint for five or ten consecutive frames. The ERDIV[2:0] signal reflects the state of the filtered ERDI value (G1 byte bits 5, 6, & 7).
10.6 Receive ATM Cell Processor (RXCP)
The Receive ATM Cell Processor (RXCP) performs ATM cell delineation, provides cell filtering based on idle/unassigned cell detection and HCS error detection, and performs ATM cell payload
10.6.1Cell Delineation
Cell Delineation is the process of framing to ATM cell boundaries using the header check sequence (HCS) field found in the cell header. The HCS is a
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