The Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU) is a
When you use EVFU to define print lines on a form, it increases system efficiency because it allows the printer to slew paper to a predetermined line with a single command.
Programming EVFU Memory
The EVFU memory is loaded with a program of line identification codes, one for each of the lines of the form being printed. A paper instruction (PI) is necessary with a Dataproducts interface, but is optional with a Centronics Interface. Refer to Chapter 8 to learn differences between the Dataproducts and Centronics interface.
Loading EFVU memory begins with a Start Load and ends with an End Load command after the last identification code. The TOF indicator lights when the EVFU receives the End Load command, signifying a successful program load.
Start Load Code – 6H
The EVFU must be enabled via the control panel before the EVFU can be loaded. While the EVFU is enabled, an E should appear on the first line of the ONLINE/OFFLINE display. The EVFU Start Load code of 6E (hex) with the paper instruction line (PI) high initiates the EVFU memory load routine. Subsequent data received is considered channel assignments until the end load code is received. The PI line is a hardware interface signal that is held either high or low. Refer to the Interfaces chapter for PI and data line printout information.