Dataproducts Interface
The optional Dataproducts interface transfers parallel data at a rate of up to 400,000 characters per second. It requires an I/O cable assembly with
001)connected to the properly terminated Parallel Controller PCBA at P4. Configuration Option 66 must be set to 66.1
Figure 8–3. Dataproducts Connector
Figure 8–4 illustrates the Dataproducts interface timing sequence. The printer signals status to the host computer by putting a high on the DATA REQUEST line along with READY and ONLINE. The host computer places a data byte on the input lines. After the data has stabilized for at least 50 ns, the computer issues DATA STROBE to latch the data byte into the receiver latches. DATA STROBE also causes DATA REQUEST to go low, and must go low again itself at least 50 ns before the data byte is withdrawn by the host computer. At least 1 us later, the printer will return the DATA REQUEST line to a high state and again be ready to accept data.
Figure 8–4. Dataproducts Interface Timing Sequence
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