Samsung SVMi-8 technical manual Mailbox Controls

Models: SVMi-8

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Block Types and Descriptions

Extension The Extension number to which the mailbox belongs. To edit this field, press ENTER to bring up the Target Generator. Select and open Extension. Choose a new or existing Block from the Target Generator pick list and press ENTER. Press ‘Ctrl + O’ to review or edit the chosen Block.

MCLASS This is the name of the mailbox class of service that defines operating characteristics for this Mailbox. To change the MCLASS, press ENTER at this field to bring up the Target Generator. Select and open a new or existing Block and press ENTER. Press ‘Ctrl + O’ to review or edit the selected Block.

Mailbox Controls

Announce Only Mailbox A 'Y' in this field designates this as an announcement only mailbox. When a public caller accesses this mailbox, it will play the greeting message (announcement) and exit immediately without recording a message. This may be used for bulletin boards and other simple audiotex applications. After playing the announce- ment, SVMi-8 will pass control to the block defined by the <No Msg Left> pointer.

Subscriber Administrator A 'Y' in this field gives the mailbox user the ability to send a broadcast message to all subscribers on the system.

Use LIFO message ordering If set to 'Y', messages are reviewed in "Last In First Out" order. If set to 'N', they are reviewed in "First In Last Out" order.

Directory Public/User A 'Y' in these parameters, and the subscribers' name recorded in the mailbox, allows this object to be listed in either of the appropriate Directories. The Public directory is the directory that callers access, the User directory is the directory that subscribers access.

Subscriber Password Allows the mailbox password to be changed, to the default digits, specified by Default pass- word in the System Wide Parameters or removed completely. Inputs are "DEFAULT" or "NONE". In the SVMi products, subscribers usually have both an Extension Block and a Mailbox Block (but may have only one of them). Since each of these blocks have a password option, if different password values are entered in each of these blocks (extension and mailbox), the SVMi-8 will try to resolve these two password fields into one value. The extension password will override the value in the mailbox field.

Language This is a language option. You may select from any installed language and from that point on the exten- sion will respond to the authorized owner in the language selected. Authorized owner means a user who has entered a valid password.

The Extension block also has a Language field, and the SVMi-8 will try to resolve these fields to a single value (make them match). If conflicting information is contained in these fields, the Extension block has priority and the Mailbox block will be automatically changed to match.

This selection is based on the order of the defined languages in page 3 of the System Wide Parameters. If the lan- guages are to be reordered, added to or changed in page 3 of the System Wide Parameters then this field should be re-entered.

Retention Days The number of days remaining before this block is automatically discarded during system mainte- nance. This only applies to unused mailboxes.


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Samsung SVMi-8 technical manual Mailbox Controls