Samsung SVMi-8 technical manual Software Features

Models: SVMi-8

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Software Features

!Individually Defined Mailboxes and Extensions

!Maximum Number of Messages

!Message Address Verification

!Message Counter

!Message Delete

!Message Delivery Options

!Message Fast Forward

!Message Forward With Append

!Message Length Controls

!Message Pause

!Message Play Order

!Message Replay

!Message Reply

!Message Retention Time by Subscriber

!Message Retrieve

!Message Rewind

!Message Save

!Message Send

!Message Scan

!Message Skip

!Message Undelete

!Message Waiting Light Indication

!Multiple Subscriber Mailboxes

!Name Addressing

!New / Old Selection

!Message Alert Notification Schedule

!One Touch Access

!Pager Notification Schedule

!Personal Customized Options

!Personal Mailbox Administration

!Private (Confidential) Messages

!Quick Memo


!Reply Required

!Retrieve Public Caller

!Return Reciept (Certified Messages)

!Self Memo / Reminder

!Self Memo / Reminder Categories

!Speed Control


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Samsung SVMi-8 technical manual Software Features