Samsung SVMi-8 Appendix, Special Characters Used When Writing Dialing Instructions

Models: SVMi-8

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Special Characters Used When Writing Dialing Instructions

These characters perform special functions when embedded in any dialing string:

&- This is a flash-hook which is critical for signaling on analog systems.

,- The comma is a one second pause.

\- The backslash is a four second pause.

T- "T" tells the port to switch to tone (DTMF) dialing. This is the default.

W- Wait for answer. On encountering this character, SVMi-8 will monitor the line for an answer from the called station before dialing any additional characters. If no answer is detected within 6 ring back cycles or 3 busy cycles, the call will be recalled.

;- The semicolon is wait for dial tone. The SVMi-8 will wait up to twelve seconds for dial tone before dialing any additional characters. If no dial tone is detected the call will fail. This is useful in environments that may have a shortage of resources such as a limited number of trunk lines or DTMF receivers.

$K - Stands for key value and causes the SVMi-8 to insert the ID number of the last Extension block, Mailbox Block, or Menu Block input into a dial string.

~di - This is an instruction to dial in band. It is used only in the pager suffix string, and is present to prevent conflicts with in band and out of band signaling.

$A - This stands for the Extension Blocks Account code.

H- Operate the hookswitch. If on hook go off, if off hook go on.


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Samsung SVMi-8 technical manual Appendix, Special Characters Used When Writing Dialing Instructions