Samsung SVMi-8 technical manual Important Basic Concepts, Blocks

Models: SVMi-8

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Explanation of Default Configuration

Important Basic Concepts


Blocks are the components used to build your individual customer application. All call flow is programmed using these blocks. Each block type has a specific function, and can be chained together with other blocks to provide a complete call processing solution.

There are 13 blocks available in the SVMi-8. They are the following:

Announcement Block

Houses up to 15 minutes of recorded voice information for playback in an


audiotext application. It is associated with and managed by an Audiotext



Audiotext Librarian Block

Manages the Announcement Blocks, that together forms its Audiotext Library.


On-demand, it finds and plays the caller specified Announcement(s). Manages


Announcement Block retention, recording length and authorizations, and caller


replay options. It also controls the caller's path through its library.

Bye Block

Speaks a prompt, usually "Good-bye", then terminates the call session.

Directory Block

This is a utility that sets up the necessary parameters used in the subscriber’s


directory list.

EClass Block

This is a class of service block for extensions, and contains additional permis-


sions that apply to all extensions in this class.

Extension Block

Represents the subscriber to a caller. Houses subscriber's settings, personal


greetings, and call coverage controls such as call blocking and screening.


Contains Caller Option Processor and Designated Location facility for routing


callers to subscriber's current telephone, regardless of physical location.


Multiple subscribers, each with their own Extension Object, can effectively share


a single telephone.

List Block

Delivers recorded voice message to a list of mailboxes. May contain other lists


as members.

Mailbox Block

Receives, records, sends, and stores multimedia messages. Contains default


personal greeting, name and password for the subscriber. This block contains all


the parameters for the mailbox including pager and cell phone notification. One


usually exists for each phone on the system.

MClass Block

This is a class of service block for Mailboxes, and contains additional permis-


sions that apply to all Mailboxes in this class.

Menu Block

Speaks prompts to caller and routes on Input from caller entry. The Auto


Attendant Main Menu is an example of a menu block.

Mode Block

Answers incoming calls for assigned port(s) by mode, as assigned in the


Schedule Table. Collects and stores CallData in appropriate call session Memory


Registers. Can speak salutation prompts.

Query Block

Speaks a question/statement and expects to record a voice and or DTMF


response. Delivers recorded response to one or more mailboxes for transcrip-




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Samsung SVMi-8 technical manual Important Basic Concepts, Blocks