ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02 13
Installation of hardware and software 2
Installation of hardware and software

2.1 Hardware

2.1.1 Prerequisites

To configure the AS-Interface safety monitor via a PC, you will need:
an AS-Interface safety monitor type 1 … type 6
the interface cable for connecting the PC and AS-Interface safety monitor
a PC or a laptop with the following minimum requirements:
-an Intel
® processor at Pentium® level
(or compatible models, e.g. AMD® or Cyrix®)
- a CD-ROM drive for installing from CD-ROM
- a mouse (recommended)
- a free RS 232 (serial) interface with 9-pin Sub-D connection

2.1.2 Connection between the AS-Interface safety monitor and the PC

To configure the AS-Interface safety monitor with ASIMON, you must connect your PC and the
AS-Interface safety monitor using the serial interface cable (available as accessory).
When using a USB-RS 232 interface converter or a serial interface card, communication pro-
blems may occur with the safety monitor.
The connection of the AS-Interface safety monitor to the PC is described here only briefly. De-
tailed information can be found in the operating manual for the AS-Interface safety monitor.
Use only the interface cable which is available as an accessory. The use of a different cable
may lead to data loss or damage to the connected AS-Interface safety monitor!