Diagnostics via AS-Interface
7.2 Assignment of the AS-Interface diagnosis indices
ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02 167
When editing the assignment table, the following options are always available:
-Assignment via drag&drop with the mouse.
-Direct editing of the device indices in the upper window area in the Device index
-Direct editing of the diagnosis indices in the lower window area in the Diagnosis
index column.
- Editing via the AS-i sorting, Delete assignment, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete line and
Insert line buttons.
- Editing with keyboard commands:
Cursor buttons and <Tab> (Navigation)
<Alt>+<B> (Device sorting),
<Alt>+<A> (AS-i sorting),
<Alt>+<l> (Delete assignment),
<Ctrl>+<X> (Cut),
<Ctrl>+<C> (Copy),
<Ctrl>+<V> (Paste),
<Delete> (Delete line),
<Insert> (Insert line),
<Ctrl>+<Z> (Undo),
<Ctrl>+<Y> (Redo).
Use the Undo and Redo buttons to reverse or restore changes which you have
made step-by-step.
Device sorting
The original sequentially increasing assignment of all configured devices to the diagnosis indi-
ces is restored.
AS-i sorting
All devices assigned to an AS-Interface address are assigned to the diagnosis index which cor-
responds to the AS-Interface address. The remaining devices are listed in the lower window
area by increasing device index.
Delete assignment
The assignment of the devices to the diagnosis indices is completely deleted and all devices
are listed in the lower window area by increasing device index.
The contents of the marked line are cut and then added at the appropriate location in the lower
window area; the line remains empty.
The contents of the marked line are copied to the clipboard.
The contents of the clipboard are pasted into the marked line.
Delete line
The marked line is deleted and the device added at the appropriate location in the lower win-
dow area; the lines which follow the deleted line are shifted up (diagnosis index minus one).