Configuring the AS-Interface safety monitor
4.3 Creating and changing a configuration
ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
50 Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02
With the double channel forced monitoring device, the switching signal of the respective safe
AS-Interface slave acts on all four bits of the transmission sequence.
Optionally, a startup test and/or a local acknowledgement are/is possible. Upon activation of
the Also acknowledge after startup checkbox, local acknowledgement is always mandatory
even after switching on the AS-Interface safety monitor or following a communication error
(warm start of the AS-Interface safety monitor).
Application icons
Emergency shutdown
Safety guard
AOPD - contactless active protective device
Module - used to connect conventional safe switching elements via a safe AS-Inter-
face module.
Enabling switch
Key switch
Coupling - AS-Interface safety monitor of a coupled network which provides its valida-
tion information as a safe input slave for processing to this AS-Interface
network (no local acknowledgement possible).
If only one contact opens/closes, after a tolerated transition time of 100ms the device switche s
to the "Error" state.