Commissioning the AS-Interface safety monitor
5.8 Configuration documentation
ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
156 Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02
Printing window contents
In addition to printing out the complete configuration as a list, you can also graphically print out
the contents of a configuration window. To do this, first bring the desired window to the fore-
ground (active window). In the File menu, select the Print-> Active window as graphic …
command or click the window with the right mouse button and select the Print graphic… com-
mand from the pop-up menu which opens.
In the Print dialog window which opens, select the desired printer if necessary and confirm with
OK. Shown below is an example of a graphical printout of a configuration window.
The printout of the configuration window does not replace the configuration log. It serves only
as a good documentation aid in the set program language.
The printout of a configuration window contains checkboxes located to the upper right of each
device which you can use to tick off the commissioning of each device.