Configuring the AS-Interface safety monitor
4.3 Creating and changing a configuration
ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
48 Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02
Local acknowledgement
Local acknowledgement is used, for example, when a safety guard is located in an area not
visible from the control desk. With local acknowledgement, acknowledgement (i.e. a confirma-
tion that no persons are present in this part of the machine) can only be performed from the
local operating desk.
In terms of the AS-Interface bus, an additional switching signal is linked to the monitoring de-
vice. Only if this switching signal was active is the monitoring device validated in the safety mo-
nitor. The switching signal for the local acknowledgement can be a standard slave, an A/B
slave or the non-safe OUT bits of a safe input slave whose AS-Interface bus address and bit
address must be specified.
The available monitoring devices are described individually below.
Certain time conditions apply to the arrival of the signals. These are illustrated using a safety
light barrier as an example:
1. Between the release of the safety light barrier and the actuation of the local acknow-
ledgement, at least 50ms must pass.
2. An actuation of the local acknowledgement is evaluated as valid when the switching
signal is present for a minimum of 50ms and a maximum of 2s.
3. After the local acknowledgement is released, the monitoring device is validated fol-
lowing a wait period of 50ms.
The functional devices and their variants, e.g. double channel forced safety input with
startup test, included in the devices described below can be found in this form in the configu-
ration log of the AS-Interface safety monitor (see chapter 5.8 and examples of the respective
monitoring devices).