Configuring the AS-Interface safety monitor
4.3 Creating and changing a configuration
ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02 55
Double channel dependent with debouncing
Functional device Double channel dependent safety input with debouncing
Name: max. 29 ASCII characters plaintext
Address: AS-Interface bus address (1 … 31)
Start-up test: with / without
Synchronisation time: 200 ms … 60s in multiples of 100ms or (infinite), default 0.5s
Bounce time: 100ms … 25s in multiples of 100ms
Local acknowledgement: with / also after startup / without
Slave type: standard/A/B slave
Address: AS-Interface bus address of the local acknowledgement
(1 … 31)
Bit address: In-0… In-3 or Out-0 … Out-3, inverted / not inverted
Input mask
Type Designation in the configuration log
24 double channel dependent slow action safety input
Without startup test SUBTYPE: no startup test
With startup test SUBTYPE: startup test
Without local acknowledgement SUBTYPE: no local acknowledge
With local acknowledgement SUBTYPE: local acknowledge
With local acknowledgement
also after startup
SUBTYPE: local acknowledge always