Configuring the AS-Interface safety monitor
4.2 General procedure
ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02 39
4.2 General procedure
The process is identical for all device variants of the AS-Interface safety monitor (1 or 2
OSSDs, "Basic" or "Enhanced" function range, with or without safe AS-Interface output).

Step 1 - Information about monitor and bus

In order to create a new configuration, you must first make the required entries in the Informa-
tion about monitor and bus window for the AS-Interface safety monitor and the slaves which
are to be monitored (see “Start Assistant” on page17):
Assign the configuration title
Specify operating mode of the AS-Interface safety monitor
- One OSSD
- Two independent OSSDs
- Two dependent OSSDs
Specify safe AS-i output if necessary
- Linked to AS-i input
- Control of a safe actuator or safe input slave in the coupled AS-i network
Specify function range of the AS-Interface safety monitor
- "Basic" or "Enhanced" function range
Enter the AS-Interface bus addresses of the safe and unsafe AS-Interface slaves which
are to be monitored
If necessary, activate diagnosis stop via Standard slave
If necessary, activate reset of error condition via Standard slave
Activate diagnostics via AS-Interface
- Enter the AS-Interface bus address of the AS-Interface safety monitor
- Selection of the diagnostic data: sorted by OSSD or by all devices
- If necessary, activate the option 1 or 3 Simulate slaves

Step 2 - Create configuration

You can now assemble a new configuration with the required devices from the icon library. see
“Creating and changing a configuration” on page40. In addition, in ASIMON version 2.1, you
can freely assign the devices diagnosis indices for the AS-Interface diagnostics. see “Assign-
ment of the AS-Interface diagnosis indices” on page165.

Step 3 - Commissioning

After you have created a valid configuration, you can commission the AS-Interface safety mo-
nitor. The commissioning procedure is described in chapter 5.