General Information
1.2 Version information
ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02 9
New features in software version 2.1
Version 2.1 of the ASIMON configuration software includes the following new features:
New monitoring device zero sequence detection
Expansion of the output device door lock by means of delay time:
now optionally available with stop category1 for the first OSSD
Expansion of the output device door lock by means of zero-speed relay and delay time:
now optionally available with stop category1 for the first OSSD
New start device activation via standard slave (level-sensitive)
New start device activation via monitor input (level-sensitive)
New monitoring device operational switching by means of monitor input
Expansion of monitoring device double channel dependent with debouncing for local
acknowledgement and startup test
Expansion of monitoring device double channel independent for local acknowledgement
and startup test
Incremental teaching of the code sequences
Device index assignment
Display of inverted icon when standard slave is inverted
Number of simulated slaves can be selected
Signalling of relay outputs and message outputs via the AS-Interface
New features in software version 3.0
In addition to the previous device types type 1 … type 4, also supported are two new device
types of version 3 (type 5 and type 6) of the AS-Interface safety monitor with safe AS-i out-
The new functions of software version 2.1 can only be used in combination with AS-Interface
safety monitors of version 2.12 and higher.
Table 1-3 Features of device versions
Function range "Enhanced"
Output circuit1 Output circuit2
Number of output circuits 2Type 5 Relay Safe AS-i output
Type6 Relay Relay + safe AS-i output