Configuring the AS-Interface safety monitor
4.3 Creating and changing a configuration
ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
56 Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02
With the double channel dependent with debouncing monitoring device, both switching si-
gnals of the respective safe AS-Interface slave each act on 2 bits of the transmission sequen-
ce. In this case, both of the switching signals must arrive within a synchronisation time defined
by the user.
For debouncing the contacts, a bounce time can be defined. During this time, the contacts are
not evaluated. The bounce time begins when both contacts close the first time. After the
bounce time has passed, both contacts are again queried. If they are then closed and if the
synchronisation time has not yet passed, the validation is performed. The selected synchroni-
sation time must be greater than the bounce time.
If only one contact opens, the second contact must still open before both contacts can be
closed again.
Optionally, a startup test and/or a local acknowledgement are/is possible. Upon activation of
the Also acknowledge after startup checkbox, local acknowledgement is always mandatory
even after switching on the AS-Interface safety monitor or following a communication error
(warm start of the AS-Interface safety monitor).
Application icons
Safety guard
AOPD - contactless active protective device
Module - used to connect conventional safe switching elements via a safe AS-Interface
The set bounce time is always allowed to pass. This means that if a bounce time of 10s is set,
then the device is validated no sooner than this time.
If the synchronisation time defined by the user is exceeded, the activation must be repeated.
If the synchronisation time is set to infinite (), the AS-Interface safety monitor does not grant
the validation until the second switching signal arrives.