General Information
1.2 Version information
ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
8Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02
1.2 Version information
The AS-Interface safety monitor and the corresponding ASIMON configuration software have
been further developed and their functionality expanded since their production start in the year
This handbook describes software version3.0. Listed below is an overview of the new fea-
tures with respect to software version 1.

New features in software version 2

In addition to the old device types, type 1 and type 2 of version 1, the device types of version 2
support type 1 to type 4 of the AS-Interface safety monitor:
The "Basic" and "Enhanced" function ranges differ as follows:
Table 1-1 Features of device versions
Function range
"Basic" "Enhanced"
Number of output circuits 1 Type 1 Type 3
2 Type 2 Type 4
Table 1-2 "Basic" and "Enhanced" function ranges
"Basic" "Enhanced"
Number of functional devices at logic level 32 48
OR gates (inputs) 2 6
AND gates (inputs) no 6
Safe time function, switch-on and switch-off delay no yes
Function "button" no yes
Safety guard/module with debouncing no yes
Safety guard with lock no yes
Deactivation of functional devices yes yes
Reset of error condition yes yes
Diagnosis stop yes yes
Support of A/B technology for non-safe slaves yes yes
New functional devices (flip-flop, pulse on pos. edge, etc.) no yes
Dummy device (NOP) no yes