First steps
3.1 Launching the program
ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
24 Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02
Option Open configuration
With the Open configuration option, you can open an existing configuration file (*.asi) which
was previously stored on a data carrier for purposes of editing or transmitting to an AS-Inter-
face safety monitor.
Figure 3-8 Opening a stored configuratio n file
Option Load configuration from AS-Interface safety monitor
When you select the Load configuration from AS-Interface safety monitor option, the con-
figuration of the connected AS-Interface safety monitor is queried and displayed in the main
program window.
Checkbox Show dialog on startup
When this checkbox is activated, the Start Assistant is called up each time the ASIMON pro-
gram is started. If you do not wish to use this program feature, simply deactivate this checkbox
and the Start Assistant will no longer automatically be opened on program startup.
On the Extras menu under Use Start Assistant, you can reactivate or deactivate the automa-
tic call of the Start Assistant on program startup at any time.
ASIMON configuration files have the extension *.ASI (version 1 AS-Interface safety moni-
tors), *.AS2 (version 2 AS-Interface safety monitors) or *.AS3 (version 3.x AS-Interface
safety monitors).
If a connection to the AS-Interface safety monitor cannot be established on program startup
(no AS-Interface safety monitor connected, connected to wrong interface etc.) or if the connec-
ted AS-Interface safety monitor is in protective operation, the Load configuration from AS-In-
terface safety monitor option is deactivated.
In this case, it is only possible to create a new configuration, load and edit a configuration which
has been stored on a data carrier or to search for errors (see chapter 6.2 "Troubleshooting and
error rectification").