First steps

3.2 Description of the user interface

ASIMON V3 - Configuration software for AS-Interface safety monitor
Programming and Operating Manual, Edition 09/2008, GWA 4NEB 333 1558 02 DS 02 27
3.2.2 The toolbar

As in other Windows® programs, you can use the buttons located in the toolbar to directly exe-

cute important functions without accessing the menu.

Figure 3-11 Toolbar

Menu command
Monitor –> Start/Stop
Monitor –> Diagnostics
Device index assignment
Display options…
Check configuration
Information about monitor and bus…
File –> Printer setup…
File –> Print
File –> Save as…
File –> Save
File –> Open…
File –> New
Menu command
Help –> About…
Help –> Help topics…
Reduce (zoom out)
Enlarge (zoom in)
Windows tiled vertically
Windows tiled horizontally
Cascading windows
New window