IP Manager
Note: The fully qualified domain name of your
Using IP Manager with your
To allow your Sierra Wireless AirLink modem to be addressed by name, the modem needs to have a minimum of three elements configured. You can also configure a second dynamic server as a backup, secondary, or alternate server.
In AceManager, select Dynamic IP.
Figure 8-1: AceManager: Dynamic IP
•*MODEMNAME : The name you want for the modem. There are some restrictions listed below for the modem name.
•*DOMAIN : The domain name to be used by the modem. This is the domain name of the server configured for *IPMANAGER1.
•*IPMANAGER1 : The IP address or domain name of the dynamic DNS server which is running IP Manager.
•*IPMANAGER2 : The secondary server for the domain. While it is optional to have two servers configured, it is highly recommended.
Tip: You can use a domain name instead of the IP address for your
IP Manager servers if you have DNS set up in your
•*IPMGRUPDATE1 and *IPMGRUPDATE2: How often, in minutes, you want the address sent to IP Manager. If this is set to zero, the modem will only send an update if
Rev 3.0B Feb.08 |
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