Global Positioning System (GPS)
cally be used. S53, in AceManager, is part of the Misc group.
Figure 9-26: AceManager : Misc - S53 Port
b.Set the Local Report Type, *PPLATSR, to your preferred NMEA sentence format.
Figure 9-27: AceManager : PinPoint - *PPLATSR
•E0 ‐ NMEA GGA and VTG sentences.
•E1 ‐ NMEA GGA, RMC, and VTG sentences.
c.Set Local Reporting Time Interval, using *PPLATS, to the number of seconds you want as an interval between reports being sent.
Figure 9-28: AceManager : PinPoint - *PPLATS
Streaming Messages (Local)
The PinPoint‐E can be configured to send standard NMEA messages (sentences) in ASCII over the serial port without a PPP connection to the local computer.
Send the command ATGPS1 to the serial port to begin the NMEA stream. The example below shows the stream in HyperTerminal connecting directly to a PinPoint‐E via the comport. To stop the stream, use the command ATGPS0 (this can be entered even while data is streaming).
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