Data Communication and Host Modes
PassThru Mode allows only specific AT commands. Some ALEOS commands will be unavailable when the PinPoint‐E is in PassThru mode. The commands usable also depend heavily on the modem model number (found on the label on the top of the PinPoint‐E).
Note: Some internal hardware requires upwards of 20 seconds before AT commands can be entered, so be patient if there seems to be no response to AT commands.
Telnet Mode
In AceManager you can configure Telnet operation.
Figure 7-3: AceManager : S0
If you need to change the port for Telnet (for example, you have the default port blocked on your firewall), the option is on the Other tab. The default telnet port is 2332. You can also change the Telnet timeout, if the connection is idle, default 2 minutes.
Figure 7-4: AceManager : Other - *TPORT, *TELNETTIMEOUT.
Serial Modes
In PPP mode, the PinPoint‐E acts as a PPP server, providing an IP address, and DNS servers (if available) to the connected device or computer.
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