Global Positioning System (GPS)
Sending Unsolicited TAIP Messages over the Local
Standard TAIP requires a request before GPS reports are sent. The PinPoint‐E, however, can be configured to allow TAIP formatted messages to be sent over any UDP Port without request commands. This is useful for those applications which can listen for TAIP messages but cannot send UDP request packets.
a.Set the S53 port to 1000. The local IP address will automatically be used.
b.Set *PPLATSR, Local Report Type, to F0 or F1.
c.Set *PPLATS, Local Reporting Time Interval, to 5 to send reports every 5 seconds (can be adjusted as circumstances warrant).
Streaming Messages (Local)
The Product Name can be configured to send standard TAIP messages (sentences) in ASCII over the serial port and/or USB port without a PPP connection to the local computer.
Send the command ATGPS1 to the serial port, ATGPS2 to the USB port, or ATGPS3 for both to begin the TAIP stream. The example below shows the stream in HyperTerminal connecting directly to a Product Name via the comport and/or USB port. To stop the stream, with either terminal connection, use the command ATGPS0 (this can be entered even while data is streaming).
Persistent Streaming
To have persistent streaming, allowing you to stream the data even after the modem is reset, configure *PGPS and set *PGPSR for TAIP.
Avoir couler persistant, te permettant de couler les données même après que le modem est remis à zéro, configurent le *PGPS et *PGPSR.
Figure 9-40: AceManager : PinPoint
0 ‐ Disable TAIP streaming.
Rev 3.0B Feb.08 |
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