Sony CCD-TR920E Superimposing a title, Нàíåñåíèå òèòðà, Рåãóëèðîâêà ýêñïîçèöèè, Using titles

Models: CCD-TR920E

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Adjusting the exposure

Adjusting the exposure

Shooting with the sun behind you

If the light source is behind your subject, or in the following situations, the subject will be recorded too dark.

•The subject is indoors and there is a window behind the subject.

•Bright light sources are included in the scene. •When shooting a person wearing white or

shiny clothes in front of a white background, the face will be recorded too dark.

Shooting in the dark

We recommend you to use a video light (not supplied). To get the best colour, you must maintain a sufficient light level.

When you adjust the exposure manually

•BACK LIGHT does not appear.

•If you press PROGRAM AE, the camcorder automatically returns to automatic exposure mode.

Superimposing a title

You can select one of eight preset titles. You can also select the position and colour of titles in the meny system.

Using titles

To add the title from the beginning

(1) While the camcorder is in Standby mode, press TITLE repeatedly until the desired title appears.

Each time a new title appears, it flashes. When the desired title appears, wait for it to stop flashing.

(2) Press START/STOP to start recording.

(3) When you want to stop recording the title, press TITLE.

Рåãóëèðîâêà ýêñïîçèöèè

Сúåìêà â ñëó÷àå, êîãäà ñîëíöå íàõîäèòñя çà ïðåäìåòîì Пðåäìåò ñòàíîâèòñя ñëèøêîì òåìíûì â

ñëó÷àå, åñëè èñòî÷íèê ñâåòà íàõîäèòñя çà ïðåäìåòîì, à òàêæå â ñëó÷àå:

êîãäà ïðåäìåò íàõîäèòñя â çäàíèè è çà íèì åñòü îêíî;

êîãäà êàäð âêëþ÷àåò â ñåáя èñòî÷íèê яðêîãî ñâåòà.

Пðè ñúåìêå ÷åëîâåêà, îäåòîãî â áåëóþ èëè ãëяíöåâóþ îäåæäó, íà áåëîì ôîíå ëèöî çàïèñûâàåòñя ñëèøêîì òåìíî.

Сúåìêà â òåìíîòå



Рåêîìåíäóåòñя ïðèìåíèòü âèäåîëàìïó (íå

áûòü âûäåðæàí äîñòàòî÷íûé óðîâåíü

ïîñòàâëяåìóþ âìåñòå ñ àïïàðàòîì). Дëя


îáåñïå÷åíèя îïòèìàëüíûõ öâåòîâ äîëæåí




• Иíäèêàöèя BACK LIGHT (Фîíîâûé ñâåò)

Пðè ðåãóëèðîâêå ýêñïîçèöèè â ðó÷íîì






• Еñëè Вû íàæìåòå êíîïêó PROGRAM AE,


âèäåîêàìåðà àâòîìàòè÷åñêè âåðíåòñя â


ðåæèì àâòîìàòè÷åñêîé ýêñïîçèöèè.


Нàíåñåíèå òèòðà

Мîæíî âûáèðàòü ëþáîé èç 8 ïðåäâàðèòåëüíî óñòàíîâëåííûõ òèòðîâ. Тàêæå ìîæíî âûáèðàòü яçûê, ìåñòî íàíåñåíèя è öâåò òèòðà ïðè ïîìîùè ñèñòåìû ìåíþ.

Иñïîëüçîâàíèå òèòðîâ

Дîáàâëåíèå òèòðà ñ ñàìîãî íà÷àëà

(1) Пîêà âèäåîêàìåðà íàõîäèòñя â ðåæèìå Standby (Гîòîâíîñòü), íàæèìàòü íà êíîïêó TITLE (Тèòð) ïîâòîðíî, ïîêà íå ïîяâèòñя òðåáóåìûé òèòð.

Кàæäûé òèòð ìèãàåò, êîãäà îí ïîяâèòñя. Кîãäà ïîяâèòñя òðåáóåìûé òèòð, ïîäîæäàòü äî òîãî, êàê îí ïåðåñòàíåò ìèãàòü.

(2) Нà÷àòü çàïèñü, íàæàâ íà êíîïêó START/ STOP (Пóñê/Оñòàíîâ).

(3) В ìîìåíò, êîãäà ïîíàäîáèòñя îñòàíîâèòü çàïèñûâàíèå òèòðà, íàæàòü íà êíîïêó TITLE (Тèòð).


Page 45
Image 45
Sony CCD-TR920E Superimposing a title, Нàíåñåíèå òèòðà, Рåãóëèðîâêà ýêñïîçèöèè, Adjusting the exposure, Using titles