2 Installation | MIX 56 User Manual |
Location and Space
ALERT! This equipment is designed to permit connection of the earthed conductor of the dc supply circuit to the earthing conductor at the equipment. If this connect is made, all the fol- lowing conditions must be met:
zThis equipment shall be connected directly to the dc supply system earthing electrode conductor or to a bonding jumper from an earthing terminal bar or bus to which the dc supply system earthing electrode conductor is connected.
zThis equipment shall be located in the same immediate area (such as adjacent cabinets) as any other equipment that has a connection between the earthed conductor of the same dc sup- ply circuit and the earthing conductor, and also the point of earthing of the dc system. The dc system shall not be earthed elsewhere.
zThe dc supply source is to be located within the same pre- mises as this equipment.
zSwitching or disconnecting devices shall not be in the earthed circuit conductor between the dc source and the point of connection of the earthing electrode conductor.
The MIX 56 chassis mounts into standard 19- inch (48.3 cm) or
A single MIX 56 chassis requires 5.25 inches of vertical space (the height of the chassis). When installing one chassis on top of another, install a heat baffle of at least one rack unit above and below the pair, as shown in the il- lustration on the next page. Telect recommends heat baffles below each MIX 56: for a
Heat Baffle
Telect, Inc. |